21 Trusts

The following 21 separate trusts are referred to collectively as the Cathleen C. Griffin Trusts.

Myrtle C. Perkins Trust

Eveleyn C. Jones Trust

Annette Coffield Trust

Mary Elizabeth Coffield Trust

Duncan C. Perkins Trust

Beth Brandeberry Trust

Helene B. Perkins Trust

Joseph H. Jones Trust

Corinne Shimer Trust

David M. Perkins Trust

Ann Coffield Perkins Trust

Samuel Thomas Perkins Trust

John Duncan Perkins Trust

Frank Alan Brandeberry Trust

Carolyn Perkins Shimer Trust

John Morris Shimer, III Trust

Richard Herbert Shimer Trust

Linda Kay Shimer Trust

Cindy Beth Jones Trust

Gregory Scott Jones Trust

​Lisa Ann Jones Trust

Contact Us

Get in touch!

Current Acting Trustees

Kelly Perkins*

Sharon Birtcher

Frank Brandeberry

​Sam Perkins

Kelly Perkins*

3801 Bryn Mawr Drive Dallas, Texas 75225

214.730.5444 coffield1892@gmail.com